BMW has said it will not be investing in the lithium-ion gigafactory race that many other automakers are, choosing instead to work with partners as battery technology develops. Unlike Volkswagen or GM, which have both announced ambitions for 240 gigawatt-hours of battery production by 2030, or Mercedes and Tesla, which are building Germany-based gigafactories for battery production, BMW says that battery technology is changing too fast for an investment into specific facilities right now to make sense. 

In the meantime, BMW is investing in solid state battery builders Solid Power, which it's already been working with. At the start of May, it announced a joint investment into Solid Power, along with Ford and Volta. Ford then subsequently announced, following the F-150 Lightning's reveal, that it will be making batteries to the same capacity tune as GM or Volkswagen's promised 240GWh by 2030 in the United States. BMW says, though, in a landscape where battery technology will change radically over the next decade, it's too early to call that.

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