announced that it plans to have Level 4 autonomous ID.Buzz vans ready
for commercial use by 2025; the non-autonomous ID.Buzz is still scheduled to
arrive in 2023.
said that it plans to put the vans in service as a ride-sharing fleet,
following the current practice of a VW Group subsidiary called Moia.
previously announced that it plans to unveil autonomous ID.Buzz vans in Qatar
for the World Cup in 2022. Those vans would run on semi-fixed routes.
Volkswagen announced
today that it is aiming to have a Level 4 autonomous ID.Buzz—its forthcoming
electric minivan—in service for commercial use by 2025. The German automaker
said that it is currently conducting field testing in Germany using technology developed
by Argo AI, a self-driving startup both VW and Ford have invested in. Argo AI’s tech will be
used in the ID.Buzz and rolled out in 2025.
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