Boston Dynamics isn't done teaching their bizarrely human- and animal-like robots new tricks. Their latest? Shakin' mechanical booty. 

The company dropped this slick dance number set to The Contours' "Do You Love Me?" to show off their robots' latest capabilities today, which isn't just "more rhythm than me." That's a low bar. What's impressive here is the fluidity of the movement, which looks much more natural than it did just a couple years ago. 

Are they trying to get all of us to let our guard down? Making endearingly cute dance numbers is definitely how to slip increasingly capable robots past all of humanity until one day, they're pushing us over with hockey sticks. 

The movement in this dance number looks so slick that The Drive's staff debated at length as to whether at least part of this was rendered. We reached out to Boston Dynamics to settle that debate (and will update this if we hear back), but this miniature Botsby Berkeley production is right in line with similar videos they've put out recently, albeit with even smoother movements. 

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