I admit that writing about this month's subject makes me feel a bit like Charlie Brown running toward Lucy and her football. This particular football, as a general concept, is just so alluring: Take a problem (excessive atmospheric CO2) and turn it directly into a solution that lets us keep driving the vehicles we love—via carbon-neutral gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel. This latest scheme solves many of the problems that have yanked the ball on my previous runs, giving me the courage to barrel toward it one more time.

My three prior columns explaining ways of converting atmospheric CO2 into liquid fuels ran in July 2008June 2012, and Oct 2018. The early ideas started by scrubbing CO2 from the air with an absorbent compound such as sodium hydroxide in water, isolating the CO2, cracking it into carbon monoxide, and then hydrogenating it via various catalytic reactions such as Fischer-Tropsch. Capital and energy input costs doomed these ideas.

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